Only the Finest. Seriously.
Since 2012, we've been providing super high quality skin care products at an affordable price. What really makes us different though is our community. We love hearing about our products and we actively change the formula based on your feedback.

Our Promise
We've spent years seeking out the best organic bases for our products. We we're tired of second-rate, unhealthy products so we made our own solution. We like to think of ourselves as partners with you. If you have a suggestion or feedback, reach out to us.

100% Organic
For our team, organic is the only way. We seek an alternative to harmful chemical products of the cosmetic industry. Our essential oils, creams, and makeup products are all sourced from organic farms in Europe and North America.

Our Values
We believe every human being is unique and beautiful. Every part of you is incredible: your shine eyes, your beautiful smile, your glow skin. You are a part of this wonderful world and we know that you are powerful enough to run it!

Our Principles
There are 3 main principles we are following in Chelsea: Respect, Beauty, and Love. Respect because we do respect every our customer and their needs. Beauty because we make everything possible for you to be even more beautiful and happy. Finally, Love because it is an essence of everything!